Friday, May 11, 2012

That Gets My Goat 72: Kick-Box

Big and Rish start to talk about Marvel Studios' new movie, THE AVENGERS, but get side-tracked. What is a D-Box, and how can you force Rish to see BATTLESHIP there?

Right click HERE to download the episode, select Save Link As, and save the file to your hard drive.


  1. *swinging arm* Man the episode isn't showing up on my iTunes feed. Plus, I can't listen to it yet, I haven't seen the Avengers. It's going to happen, but I hate crowds at movies so maybe this week?

  2. Vulture, the boys really only talk about NEVANGERS for a minute, then begin to talk about BATTLES**T. We intended to do an episode or two between the anticipation and the payoff, but life interrupted. So, in the middle of our VANGNEERS conversation, we started again with this episode. In other words, you're probably safe to hear us beg for donations here.

  3. Sorry, Space Vulture. After about a half an hour of trying to get it to post on the feed, I finally figured out what bonehead mistake I made. It's there now. And go ahead and listen, don't worry about spoilers in this show. Next show will have spoilers, but not this one.
