Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The (Second) Worst Marathon Ever Episode 04

Well, now we've come to Rish's least-favorite "rule" on this list.  Maybe he just doesn't get it.*

*I double-checked just now.  He totally doesn't.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The (Second) Worst Marathon Ever Episode 03

Going down the list of "Pixar's Rules of Storytelling."

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Monday, November 28, 2016

The (Second) Worst Marathon Ever Episode 02

We're doing a marathon, detailing the "Pixar Rules of Storytelling."

It might not be exactly daily, despite what 2015 Rish 'n Big imagined.  But we'll still go forward, alright?

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

The (Second) Worst Marathon Ever Episode 01

A looooong time ago, we got together to discuss "Pixar's Rules of Storytelling," something we'd been talking about for almost as long.

Now, some of these rules are going to be extremely relevant for writers everywhere, and some are gonna be a bit more animation-centric.  So we'll have a lot to say about some of them, and a little less for others.  Hopefully, it'll all be entertaining (though I doubt it).

So, for the next weeks, we'll be presenting your daily marathon of That Gets My Goat-type episodes.  It's not the absolute worst marathon ever . . . but pretty darn close.

You can Right Click HERE and select Save Link As, to save the file to your hard drive.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The (Second) Worst Marathon Ever Episode 00

Well, it's been a long time in coming*, but here we go.

So, Rish and Big went to Rish's family cabin once, and decided to talk about Pixar Animation Studio, and specifically, about their "Rules of Storytelling."

So, each day for the next couple of weeks or so (maybe even three), they'll do an episode about each of the "Pixar rules."  Join us, if you can.

Warning: some of these episodes may be short.  Enter at your own risk.

*So long, in fact, that the episodes will be about as out of date as the Pixar image above.

You can Right Click HERE and select Save Link As, to save the file to your hard drive.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

TGMG 187: (Doctor) Stranger Things

Big and Rish rushed out to see the latest release from Marvel Studios, DOCTOR STRANGE. Were they Cumberbatched? Or is that too vulgar for even an "Explicit" podcast?

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