Thursday, December 27, 2012

TGMG 98: The Dan Pillsbury Situation

Joined again by special guest Abigail Hilton, Rish and Big talk about bestselling author Dan Pillsbury, and his recent controversial statements (one of which can be read here, if you really want to know). 

If you find out something about a writer's personality, does that change their work?  Is it alright to continue to read their work if their political/religious/social views conflict with your own?  Can you be a fan of someone's writing, separate from their opinions?

Right click HERE to download the episode, select Save Link As, and save the file to your hard drive.


Friday, December 7, 2012

TGMG 97: Star Wars Strikes Back

So, Big and Rish finish their conversation about the Disney Star Wars rights. For now.

Who does Rish want to direct it? Will they end up remaking the Prequels? Will they remake everything?

Right click HERE to download the episode, select Save Link As, and save the file to your hard drive.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Want To Meet Rish And Big?

I know, I know. I wouldn't want to meet us either.

But let's just say that you had a mental disorder, and found Rish and Big's inane chatter charming and entertaining. Then you might want to meet them, and maybe hang out with them for a while.

Well, if you live in the Las Vegas area, or are attending the New Media Expo that will be held there, you finally have your chance.

A few weeks ago, Abbie Hilton contacted us, and invited us to be a part of a panel discussion that she was getting together for the NMX. If you don't know it, the New Media Expo (or NMX), is a conference for folks who create online content; bloggers, podcasters, video bloggers (is that what you call someone with a Youtube channel?), and the like. It's all about how to create, disseminate, and monetize that content.

And so, since we are content creators, they are having us on a panel discussion at their con. We're pretty excited to go, and we hope to be able to meet face to face with as many people that we've met online as possible.

The new media expo is from January 6-8, 2013. I believe that Rish and I will be involved in two panels on Tuesday the 8th.

Nothing's set for this yet, but I'd like there to be some sort of Dunesteef get-together at a local restaurant or something on Sunday or Monday . . . or maybe even Tuesday. We'll let you know about that when it gets closer, and we actually get plans firmed up.